Pimping JSoup

I started to develop a web crawler part of a bigger project, then I have to choice what kind of HTML parser library I have to use. I have used NekoHTML in the past and it was pretty good but it doesn’t have any helper to select the DOM elements, you have o use the XPath, very flexible but not so easy.

I have found JSoup to be very cool library, its code is well written, clean and the interface is powerful. I love it. I was writing a Scala crawler so beside the JSoup interface is pretty cool, it is very javish, I prefer to have a better integration with Scala, so I started my first Pimp My Library pattern.

Let the code talk:

object Jsoup extends Jsoup

trait Jsoup {

  protected[Jsoup] def withDocument[T](url: String)(d: Document => T) = {
    try {
    catch {
      case e: IOException => Left(e)

  implicit def enrichNode(n: Node) = new RichNode(n)

  implicit def enrichElement(x: Element) = new RichElement(x)

  implicit def enrichDocument(x: Document) = new RichDocument(x)

  implicit def enrichElements(xs: Elements) = new RichElements(xs)


class RichNode(value: Node) {

  def nextSibling: Option[Node] = value.nextSibling match {
    case null => None
    case x => Some(x)


class RichElement(value: Element) extends RichNode(value) {

  def getElementById(id: String): Option[Element] = value.getElementById(id) match {
    case null => None
    case x => Some(x)

  def getElementsByTag(tag: String): Iterable[Element] = 

  def getElementsByClass(tag: String): Iterable[Element] = 

  def getElementsByAttribute(tag: String): Iterable[Element] = 

  def getElementsByAttributeStarting(tag: String): Iterable[Element] = 

  def getElementsByAttributeValue(k: String, v: String): Iterable[Element] = 
	Jsoup.enrichElements(value.getElementsByAttributeValue(k, v))

  def apply(name: String): Option[String] = Option(value.attr(name))


class RichDocument(value: Document) extends RichElement(value) {

  def head = value.head match {
    case null => None
    case x => Some(x)

  def body = value.body match {
    case null => None
    case x => Some(x)

  def select(query: String) = new RichElements(value.select(query))


class RichElements(target: Elements) extends Iterable[Element] {

  def iterator: Iterator[Element] = {


The code is available at [https://github.com/filosganga/ssoup].

Happy coding!